founded in July 2016
Welcome to our website !
The Foundation for the Culture of Calligraphy – Stiftung Schriftkultur– was founded in 2016 by the well-known calligrapher, designer, lecturer and author Katharina Pieper, as a non-profit organisation based in Homburg, Germany. The Foundation (FCC) defines itself as an organisation acting internationally to promote and communicate the cultural heritage of calligraphy, writing, and typography (as well as handwriting) both as a means of communication and as art. Those who are interested in the calligraphic culture and all its related disciplines are welcome to join us. The following are the Foundations's specific objectives: In the estate of Gut Königsbruch near Homburg / Saar, the Stiftung Schriftkultur e.V. found an ideal place to accommodate the gallery, workshop rooms, library, museum and the Jean Larcher archive. The 250-year-old manor, built in 1766 by Duke Christian IV of Palatinate-Zweibrücken,had been renovated to its original late Baroque splendour by private contractor. The former barn has been rebuilt and prepared specifically for the needs of the Foundation. Gut Königsbruch is being lovingly restored with great expertise by the von Wegner family, architect Lars Maier and an extensive group of professionals. The Foundation for the Culture of Calligraphy is happy to have moved into the rooms in april 2017. Workshops, guided tours and group visits have been taking place since May 2017. The official opening of our rooms on 20 May 2018 was a complete success with around 200 guests and excellent speeches. On 8 September 2018 Gut Königsbruch was officially inaugurated - the construction work around the Hofgut and in the inner courtyard has essentially been completed. In spring/summer 2019 we had shown the exhibition of the centenaries Gudrun Zapf von Hesse and Helmut Matheis – a very special event and fine calligraphy. Our Christmas Market in december 2019 was visited by around 1000 guests – an unexpected record! |
Katharina Pieper
prospectus (PDF):
Here you can see an overview of our plans!
Are you interested in a membership? Please contact us:
picture gallery
(the most recent photos from May 2021 retroactively to spring 2018):
Here you can see more pictures from spring 2018 back to summer 2015 . Please click this line.
Helmut Matheis (1917 – 2020)
Heiner Müller (19.8.1948 – 6.10.2020)
Here you can see more pictures from spring 2018 back to summer 2015 . Please click this line.
to the website of Gut Königsbruch
to the website of Katharina Pieper
(ab 6.9.2016)
Stiftung Schriftkultur e.V.
Gut Königsbruch
Am Gutshof 13
D-66424 Homburg – GERMANY
Tel.: 06841 98 89 091
Büro: Frau Karin Fischer
Katharina Pieper (Vorsitzende Stiftung Schriftkultur)
Dipl.-Designerin AGD DPV HFCLAS
Herzogstraße 24
D-66424 Homburg – GERMANY
Tel. 06841 79068
- gemeinnütziger Verein -
Vereinsregister-Nr. VR 1553, Amtsgericht Homburg
Bankverbindung: Postbank, IBAN: DE73 4401 0046 0325 1394 63, BIC: PBNKDEFF
Steuer-Nr. 040/140/59127